From the Editor

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“Ad profundiora autem studia provehenda ac fructus
sui laboris publici iuris faciendos”

(from the Decree of institution of the journal Ecclesia orans, 2nd February 1984)

The series represents a sort of natural and almost necessary “extension” of the journal Ecclesia orans committed to being an academic instrument providing space to present and put in dialogue the research results of the professors of the Faculty of Liturgy at the Pontifical Ateneo S. Anselmo in Rome, as well as of scholars who wish to place their own research at the service of liturgical science. The series gives voice to research that exceeds an article’s expected limits (often too narrow for the enormity of the subject matter) and encourages in particular the publication of sources, mainly liturgical sources, and studies on them. The volumes are therefore principally aimed at professors and researchers in the liturgical field, as well as students and all who desire to plumb the mystery celebrated per ritus et preces.