Atti del XII Congresso Internazionale di Liturgia Roma, Pontificio Ateneo sant’Anselmo – Pontificio Istituto Liturgico 20-22 ottobre 2021
Proceedings of the XII International Congress of Liturgy Rome, Pontifical Athenaeum S. Anselmo – Pontifical Liturgical Institute 20-22 October 2021


Dominik Jurczak is assistant scientific director of the journal Ecclesia orans and professor at the Faculty of Liturgy of the Pontifical Athenaeum S. Anselmo (Rome) and at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas – Angelicum (Rome). He is president of the International Commission of Liturgy of the Order of Preachers. He works in the area of hermeneutics, the history of liturgical books and the Dominican liturgy.

Olivier-Marie Sarr is a Benedictine monk of Keur Moussa Abbey (Senegal) of which he is the current abbot. He is a consultant of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments; he teaches at the Pontifical Liturgical Institute of S. Anselmo (Rome) in the area of the theology of liturgical inculturation and new popular forms of the Liturgy of the Hours. He is the author of several publications.

Markus Tymister is scientific director of the journal Ecclesia orans and professor of Liturgy and Sacramental Theology at the Faculties of Liturgy and Theology of the Pontifical Ateneo S. Anselmo (Rome) and at the Pontifical Urbaniana University (Rome). He is president of the Liturgical Commission of the Archdiocese of Hamburg (Germany) and works in the area of liturgical history, the sacraments of reconciliation and anointing of the sick and Eucharistic concelebration.


The pandemic caused by the coronavirus has forced significant changes in the Church’s liturgical life. Various forms of liturgies in the digital world aimed to replace celebrations with the physical presence of the people, and there will simply be no going back to normal. Virtual liturgical space has become a reality that cannot be denied. The contributions collected in this volume attempt to evaluate the issue from anthropological, historical, and liturgicalpastoral perspectives.

La pandemia causata dal coronavirus ha imposto alla Chiesa cambiamenti significativi nella sua vita liturgica. Diverse forme di liturgie “virtuali” hanno mirato a sostituirsi alle celebrazioni in presenza del popolo per cui, finita l’emergenza, non si potrà semplicemente tornare alla normalità: lo spazio liturgico virtuale è diventato una realtà che non può essere negata. I contributi raccolti in questo volume cercano di valutare la problematica dal punto di vista antropologico, storico e liturgico-pastorale.

Pages: 253
Format: Paper / PDF
ISBN: 9791280562197
Published/Copyright Year: 2022
Publisher: Editrice Domenicana Italiana
Series: Ecclesia orans. Studi e Ricerche | 5
Sale: EDI

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