To Set Forth His Most Worthy Praise:
An Overview of Divine Worship: Daily Office (Commonwealth Edition)

James Bradley


The apostolic constitution Anglicanorum Coetibus provides that liturgical texts from the Anglican tradition may be approved by the Apostolic See for use by the personal ordinariates. The publication of Divine Worship: Daily Office (Commonwealth Edition) for the personal ordinariates in Great Britain and Australia gives the text for the recitation of the Divine Office by the clergy and lay faithful of these communities, preserving the Anglican liturgical patrimony for use in the Catholic Church. This article offers an overview of this liturgical book, traces its development alongside its North American counterpart, and reviews its contents.


La costituzione apostolica Anglicanorum Coetibus prevede che i testi liturgici della tradizione anglicana possono essere approvati dalla Sede Apostolica per essere utilizzati dagli ordinariati personali. La pubblicazione del Divine Worship: Daily Office (Commonwealth Edition) fornisce, per gli ordinariati personali in Gran Bretagna e Australia, il testo per la recita dell’ufficio divino da parte del clero e dei fedeli laici di queste comunità, preservando il patrimonio liturgico anglicano per l’uso nella Chiesa cattolica. Questo articolo offre una panoramica di questo libro liturgico, tracciando il suo sviluppo accanto alla sua controparte nordamericana ed esaminandone il contenuto.

James Bradley, J.C.D. is Assistant Professor of Canon Law at The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC, where he teaches Liturgical and Sacramental Law. He is a Priest of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham and is presently undertaking a doctorate in Liturgical Studies at the University of Vienna.