
Year XXXII – 2015/1 Abstract N. Valli


I due formulari eucaristici del giorno di Pasqua nella liturgia ambrosiana Norberto Valli Abstract This article completes the series of contributions that have been devoted by the author to the analysis of [...]

Year XXXIII – 2016/2 Abstract M.I. Angelini


NOTE Liturgia e emozione. Una cornice per raccogliere i frammenti. A margine di una recente pubblicazione Maria Ignazia Angelini Abstract Starting from the analysis of some of the essays composing the Documents [...]

Year XXXIII – 2016/2 Abstract T.D. Sampson


NOTE «That Everyone May Hear and Praise God»: The Liturgical Proclamation of Scripture in the Carolingian Era Tyler D. Sampson Abstract This essay presents the sources for the Liturgy of the Word [...]

Year XXXIII – 2016/1 Abstract G. Tornambé


NOTE La Réforme de la Messe Chrismale. L’oeuvre du Consilium en 1964 Gabriele Tornambé Abstract In this paper we walk through the first steps of inner debate in Consilium’s working group (coetus) [...]

Year XXXIII – 2016/2 Abstract Ł. Celiński


Per una rilettura della storia della formazione e dello sviluppo del Messale Romano. Il caso del Messale di Clemente V Łukasz Celiński Abstract The history of the formation and the development of [...]

Year XXXIII – 2016/2 Abstract J.T. Hadley


Divine Pageantry: Scenographic Architecture and the mise-en-scène of the Liturgy James Thomas Hadley Abstract Scenography is today defined as the study and practice of design for artistic performances. At its origin the [...]

Year XXXIII – 2016/2 Abstract R.M. Tambwe


L’Architecture sacrée pour une liturgie africaine authentique Richard M. Tambwe Abstract A vision where architecture and theology enrich and complete each other is possible. Beyond addressing a specific need of a basilica [...]

Year XXXIII – 2016/2 Abstract Ch. Renoux


Lectionnaires et hymnaires arméniens et géorgiens Charles Renoux Abstract The early liturgy of Jerusalem (4th to 5th centuries) is barely revealed to us by the Catecheses of Cyril of Jerusalem and by [...]

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