
Year XXXIII – 2016/1 Abstract W. Ngongo-Omatete


Interactions entre l’initiation chrétienne et la réconciliation. Une question en suspens Willy Ngongo-Omatete Abstract This reflection deals with the problem of interactions between the sacraments of Christian initiation and the sacrament of [...]

Year XXXIII – 2016/1 Abstract M.C. Vivancos


La liturgia hispana en los folios introductorios del Antifonario de León Miguel C. Vivancos Abstract The León antiphonary, “the jewel of Latin antiphonaries” as Louis Brou aptly described it, has been well [...]

Year XXXIII – 2016/1 Abstract N. Valli


La domenica delle Palme nella liturgia ambrosiana Norberto Valli Abstract The author, after having analysed the Ambrosian Easter Triduum, in a series of articles published in Ecclesia orans, examines in this contribution [...]

Year XXXIII – 2016/1 Abstract W. Sumani


Easter Vigil as the “Mother of all Vigils”: The Significance of Structural Parallels between the Easter Vigil and the Vigils of Pentecost and the Tempora in the Roman Rite Wilfred Sumani Abstract [...]

Year XXXIV – 2017/2 Abstract G. Tornambé


NOTE La Réforme de la Messe Chrismale (3) Le schema n° 51 du 30 novembre 1964 du coetus 17 Gabriele Tornambéé Abstract In this paper, we have the occasion to analyse a [...]

Year XXXIV – 2017/1 Abstract G. Tornambé


NOTE La Réforme de la Messe Chrismale (2) L’oeuvre du Consilium entre 1966 et 1969 Gabriele Tornambé Abstract In this paper we walk through the last steps of inner debate in Consilium’s [...]

Year XXXIV – 2017/1 Abstract B. Sawicki


NOTE Rituals, Markets and Redemption: some remarks on the margin of an interdisciplinary workshop Bernard Sawicki Abstract In November 2015 in Universitair Centrum Sint-Ignatius Antwerpen, a research section of the University of [...]

Year XXXIV – 2017/1 Abstract S. Parenti


NOTE Non debere addi verba illa. Francesco Arcudi di Soleto († 1641) e il comando di iterazione “mancante” nell’anafora di s. Giovanni Crisostomo Stefano Parenti Abstract The problem of a missing command [...]

Year XXXIV – 2017/2 Abstract M.A. Esswein


The Johannine Tradition as «Apostolic» Evidence for Early Christian Pascha Observance in the Quartodeciman Churches Mitchell Alexander Esswein Abstract Pascha is the zenith of the Christian liturgical calendar since it commemorates the [...]

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