
Year XXXIX– 2022/1 Abstract A. Paul


Approaching the Ecclesia in Medieval Coptic Cairo: Church Entrance Petitions from the Thirteenth-Century Copto-Arabic Manuscript Suryān Liturgy 383 (Folia 190r-194r) Arsany Paul Abstract This study draws attention to the need for greater [...]

Year XXXIX– 2022/1 Abstract P. A. Muroni


L’“assillo” della riforma liturgica e il ritorno al “Magnum principium”. Le traduzioni dei libri liturgici Pietro Angelo Muroni Sommario Il presente articolo offre una panoramica ragionata sul lavoro di traduzione dei libri [...]

Year XXXIX– 2022/1 Abstract M. Monfrinotti


Διὰ λόγου (Giustino, I Apologia 67,4). La Parola di Dio ai fedeli Matteo Monfrinotti Sommario L’articolo si concentra sul complemento διὰ λόγου che si legge in Giustino (I Apol. 67,4), all’interno della [...]

Year XXXIX– 2022/1 Abstract A. Grillo


In genere officii, in genere signi, in genere ritus. Breve storia ragionata dell’intelligenza teologica delle azioni rituali cristiane Andrea Grillo Sommario Una comprensione della azione liturgica sul piano sistematico è stata percepita [...]

Year XXXIX– 2022/1 Abstract N. P. Chase


From Logos to Spirit Revisited: The Development of the Epiclesis in Syria and Egypt Nathan P. Chase Abstract Scholars have long debated how the anaphoral epiclesis developed and when a pneumatic epiclesis [...]

Year XXXIX– 2022/1 Abstract J. Bradley


To Set Forth His Most Worthy Praise: An Overview of Divine Worship: Daily Office (Commonwealth Edition) James Bradley Abstract The apostolic constitution Anglicanorum Coetibus provides that liturgical texts from the Anglican tradition [...]

Year XXXVIII – 2021/2 Abstract G. A. Keselopoulos


Ecclesiastical History and Mystical Contemplation of Germanus I (ed. Migne) An attempt to evaluate and establish a precise chronology Georgios A. Keselopoulos Abstract This paper attempts to evaluate and establish a precise [...]

Year XXXVIII – 2021/2 Abstract A. Turpin


The Tridentine Genius of Traditionis Custodes Alexander Turpin Abstract With his recent decree Traditionis Custodis (2021), Pope Francis abrogated broad permission for the use of the Missale Romanum of 1962. There have [...]

Year XXXVIII – 2021/2 Abstract G. Guzmán


Hic et nunc virtuales Cuestiones de antropología litúrgica Parte II Gonzalo Guzmán Abstract The two basic coordinates of existence: time and space, naturally come into play in the liturgical celebration as part [...]

Year XXXVIII – 2021/1 Abstract F. Wernert


La messe télévisée - ce qui fait écran François Wernert Abstract The author, a specialist in pastoral theology (liturgical and sacramental) is a lecturer at the University of Strasbourg (Faculty of Catholic [...]

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