Contributions must be written in .doc/.docx format and sent through electronic mail to the following address:
Articles and notes
For helping the submission process, authors could consult the Code of Ethics of Ecclesia orans. Here is the general information:
- The Editorial Board will evaluate the contribution proposed for publication and has the right to submit it to the Anonymous Double Peer Review and to communicate the result to the author through electronic mail (for the Peer Review process see the Code of Ethics);
- The proposed contributions, besides being written according to the present guidelines (english, italiano), must be unpublished works and observe the scientific character of the Periodical; authors may propose some different methodological choices that will be discussed with the editors;
- Given the international character of the Periodical, the contributions can be written in the principal modern langua (Italian, English, Spanish, French, German and Portuguese);
- Article should be no longer than 80.000 characters including spaces; the Editorial Board can consider dividing longer papers (indicatively no more 200.000 characters including spaces) by publishing them in multiple issues;
- Every article must be accompanied by:
- an abstract in the language of the contribution and in English (maximum of 800 characters including spaces);
- five keywords in English;
- author biography (maximum of 350 characters including spaces).
- declaration of any conflicts of interest (if applicable). For more information about the conflicts of interest see the Code of Ethics of Ecclesia orans.
Book Reviews
Book reviews can be written in the principal modern languages (maximum of 8000 characters including spaces).