On fire with praise

The Canticle of the Three Servants in the Fiery Furnace (Dan 3, 56-88) as an Easter Hymn


Wilfred Sumani

is a Malawi-born Jesuit priest currently teaching at Hekima Jesuit School of Theology in Nairobi (Kenya). He obtained his doctorate in sacred liturgy at the Pontifical Institute of Liturgy, Sant’Anselmo (Rome) in 2015. Sumani is the author of the award-winning Mothers of Faith: Motherhood in the Christian Tradition (Orbis, 2017).

Preface of Pietro Angelo Muroni


The Canticle of the Three Servants in the Fiery Furnace, commonly known as the Canticle of Daniel, is one of the biblical texts most frequently utilised in the liturgy. From the early centuries of Christianity, the Canticle has enjoyed pride of place in key celebrations, such as the Easter vigil, the Pentecost vigil and the vigils of the Ember days. In spite of the various reforms in the history of the Liturgy of the Hours, the Canticle has never lost its place in the ordo of Sunday morning prayer and of major feasts and solemnities.
This book argues that, the interpretation of the salvation of the Three Servants in the Fiery furnace in the light of the resurrection of Christ made the Canticle of the Three Servants an Easter hymn.
The Canticle’s migration to various liturgical contexts not only attests to its popularity in Christian liturgy but also shows how the Christian community has used this biblical text to highlight the paschal spirit of the celebrations in which the Canticle appears.

Pages: 480
Format: Paper and ebook
ISBN: 978-88-94876-34-5
Published/Copyright Year: November 2018
Publisher: Editrice Domenicana Italiana
Series: Ecclesia Orans. Studi e Ricerche | 1
Sale: EDI