1a GIORNATA DI STUDI DI ECCLESIA ORANS. Roma, Sant’Anselmo, 6 Dicembre 2023
1st STUDY DAY OF ECCLESIA ORANS. Rome, Sant’Anselmo, December 6th, 2023

The editor

Markus Tymister is scientific director of the journal Ecclesia orans and professor of Liturgy and Sacramental Theology at the Faculties of Liturgy and Theology of the Pontifical Ateneo S. Anselmo (Rome) and at the Pontifical Urbaniana University (Rome). He is president of the Liturgical Commission of the Archdiocese of Hamburg (Germany) and works in the area of liturgical history, the sacraments of reconciliation and anointing of the sick and Eucharistic concelebration.


La costituzione conciliare sulla liturgia predispone nell’art. 53 un ripristino dell’«orazione comune». Da quando la preghiera dei fedeli è stata inserita nell’Ordo missae del 1969, essa suscita domande e perplessità mettendo le nostre assemblee davanti a problemi che, 60 anni dopo la proclamazione della costituzione liturgica, ancora non sono stati totalmente risolti. I contributi raccolti in questo volume vogliono mantenere viva la discussione a livello sia accademico sia
pratico-pastorale, al fine di mettere in luce il significato della preghiera dei fedeli e dare indicazioni per la prassi liturgica.

The conciliar constitution on the liturgy, in article 53, calls for a restoration of the “common prayer”. Since the Prayer of the Faithful was reintroduced into the Ordo Missae of 1969, it has raised questions and concerns, confronting our assemblies with issues that, even 60 years after the proclamation of the liturgical constitution, remain unresolved. The contributions collected in this volume aim to keep the discussion alive at both the academic and practicalpastoral levels, in order to highlight the significance of the Prayer of the Faithful and to provide guidance for liturgical practice.

Pages: 176
Format: Paper | PDF
ISBN: 979-12-80562-62-3
Published/Copyright Year: 2024
Publisher: Editrice Domenicana Italiana
Series: Ecclesia orans. Studi e Ricerche | 9
Sale: EDI