
Year XXXIV – 2017/2 Abstract L. Decousu


Imposition des mains et onction : recherches sur l’adjonction de rites additionnels dans les liturgies baptismales primitives Deuxième partie L’onction Laurence Decousu Abstract A recently published work dealt with the loss and [...]

Year XXXIV – 2017/2 Abstract N.P. Chase


The Antiochenization of the Egyptian Tradition: An Alternate Approach to The Barcelona Papyrus and Anaphoral Development Nathan P. Chase Abstract Since the discovery in 1966 of the Barcelona Papyrus, the anaphora contained [...]

Year XXXIV – 2017/1 Abstract F. Ryan


Recitation of the Sacred Liturgy in common. Tracing the origins and pathof an unrecognised novelty Fergus Ryan Abstract Dialogue Mass, a collective term referring to a variety of ways in which the [...]

Year XXXIV – 2017/1 Abstract T. Quartier


Ritual Studies: ein heuristischer Zugang zu liturgischer Spiritualität Thomas Quartier Abstract Concerning the relation between liturgy and the form-of-life of its participants, liturgical spirituality is an important resource. Monastic spirituality invites liturgical [...]

Year XXXIV – 2017/1 Abstract L. Decousu


Imposition des mains et onction : recherches sur l’adjonction de rites additionnels dans les liturgies baptismales primitives Première partie L’imposition des mains Laurence Decousu Abstract A recently published work dealt with the [...]

Year XXXV – 2018/1 Abstract G. Ramis Miquel


NOTE ¿Otras oraciones de lucernario en el oficio vespertino hispánico? Gabriel Ramis Miquel Abstract In the Hispanic rite, as recorded in the Gothic Breviary, Vespers begins with the ceremonial lighting of the [...]

Year XXXV – 2018/1 Abstract M. Augé


NOTE Il Mistero di Cristo nel Tempo “per annum” Matias Augé Abstract Today, “Ordinary Time of the Year” is still underestimated, both, in theological reflection and in pastoral practice. After a synthesis [...]

Year XXXV – 2018/1 Abstract S. Ruiz Torres


La recepción del Te matrem (dei) laudamusen la geografía litúrgica y extralitúrgicade la Península IbéricaSantiago Ruiz Torres AbstractThe hymn Te matrem (dei) laudamus represents, by far, the most famous adaptation of the hymn Te [...]

Year XXXV – 2018/1 Abstract L.-X.. Hong


Le chant des fidèles en Chine avant Vatican II et ses modalités de l’inculturation Li-Xing Hong Abstract This article investigates the currently available early Catholic chant books and hymnals by correlating them [...]

Year XXXV – 2018/1 Abstract J.M. Starke


Liturgical Tradition.Ecclesial Act of ReceptionJames M. Starke AbstractThis essay proposes an approach to liturgical tradition that places the mystery of Christ and the history of salvation at the center. The author engages the theological [...]

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