
Year XXXVIII – 2021/1 Abstract T. A. Krosnicki


Prayers after communion in the Gothic Missal Thomas A. Krosnicki Abstract Dr. Thomas Krosnicki contributes to the present ongoing study of the 7th century Gothic Missal with an investigation specifically focused on [...]

Year XXXVIII – 2021/1 Abstract G. Guzmán


Hic et nunc virtuales Cuestiones de antropología litúrgica Parte I Gonzalo Guzmán Abstract The pastoral need in a pandemic led many to take the various applications and social networks offered by the [...]

Year XXXVIII – 2021/1 Abstract H. Buchinger


Die Postcommunio. Zu Frühgeschichte und Charakter eines eucharistischen Gebetes Harald Buchinger Abstract Among the orations of the Mass beyond the Eucharistic Prayer, the postcommunion prayer stands out in terms of age, structure, [...]

Year XXXVIII – 2021/1 Abstract F. Bonomo


Un discorso sulle fonti delle esequie nella tradizione liturgica romana Francesco Bonomo Abstract Ordo Romanus 49 constitutes the first source for funeral liturgies. By way of analyzing the structure handed down in [...]

Year XXXVII – 2020/2 Abstract S. Parenti


“Misericordia, pace, sacrificio di lode”. Le disavventure vecchie e nuove di una locuzione liturgica Stefano Parenti Sommario Lo studio delinea le origini della monizione e relativa risposta che aprono il dialogo anaforico [...]

Year XXXVII – 2020/2 Abstract M. Metzger


Nouvelles missions pour les liturgistes Marcel Metzger Résumé La reconnaissance de la liturgie comme sommet et source par le concile Vatican II est loin d’être admise dans toutes ses implications. Le principal [...]

Year XXXVII – 2020/2 Abstract K.H. Belcher


Ritual Systems: Prostration, Self, and Community in the Rule of Benedict Kimberly Hope Belcher Abstract Ritual has often been considered as one type of behavior, and examinations of ritual have been focused [...]

Year XXXVII – 2020/1 Abstract S. B. Johnson


«That nothing may be lost»: The Theme of «Gathering into One» in Eucharistic Praying from the Didache to Ps.-Dionysius Samuel B. Johnson Abstract This essay retrieves a neglected theme near the heart [...]

Year XXXVII – 2020/1 Abstract E. Bermejo Cabrera


Las Vigilias Dominicales de Cuaresma y Pascua en la Anástasis parte secunda Enrique Bermejo Cabrera Abstract This article presents an example of liturgical reform or renewal carried out in the Basilica of [...]

Year XXXVII – 2020/1 Abstract M. A. Haller


El orden de los sacramentos de la Iniciación Cristiana en la eucología del Misal Romano Mario Alberto Haller Abstract This article deals with the topic of order of the sacraments of the [...]

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