
Year XXXVI – 2019/1 Abstract M. Metzger

2019-05-16T12:19:38+02:00Tag: |

L’eucharistie, source de vie. Un message trop ignoré Marcel Metzger Résumé Les textes du concile Vatican II ont profondément renouvelé la compréhension de l’eucharistie. Alors qu’au cours des siècles précédents elle était [...]

Year XXXV – 2018/2 Nota A. Join-Lambert


Le “Martimort” et le “Gelineau” : les manuels d’une génération française en science liturgique Arnaud Join-Lambert Résumé Les manuels de liturgie sont rarement l’objet de la recherche scientifique. Ils ont pourtant parfois joué [...]

Year XXXV – 2018/2 M.S. Ernest


The Development of the Vigil for the Deceased in the Order of Christian Funerals (USA), 1969-1989  Matthew S. Ernest Abstract This article studies the development of the Vigil for the Deceased in [...]

Year XXXV – 2018/2 Abstract D. Sabaino


Il documento “Sing to the Lord”. Music in Divine Worship della Conferenza episcopale degli Stati Uniti d’America (2007): una rilettura musicologico-liturgica a dieci anni dalla pubblicazione Daniele Sabaino Sommario “Sing to the [...]

Year XXXV – 2018/2 Abstract C. Chaillot


Deaconesses in the Coptic Orthodox Church Christine Chaillot Abstract In 1988 I interviewed Pope Shenouda about the role of women in the Coptic Orthodox Church today, and also about «deaconesses» and «consecrated [...]

Year XXXV – 2018/2 Abstract N. Valli


Le tre messe di Natale nella liturgia ambrosiana Norberto Valli Sommario L’articolo, dando per presupposta la questione dell’origine delle tre messe di Natale e rinviando a un precedente contributo per quanto riguarda [...]

Year XXXV – 2018/2 Abstract M.E. Johnson


Recent Thoughts on the Roman Anaphora: Sacrifice in the Canon Missae Maxwell E. Johnson Abstract In the context of contemporary liturgical dialogue between Roman Catholics and Lutherans the issue of Eucharistic sacrifice [...]

La nuova Redazione

2019-01-16T15:39:35+01:00Tag: |

Con ottobre 2018 si è concluso il quinquennio che ha visto come direttore della rivista il prof. Pietro Angelo Muroni e come vicedirettore il prof. Olivier-Marie Sarr OSB. A partire da novembre la direzione [...]

Year XXXIV – 2017/1 Abstract W.D. Ray


The Priority of the Strasbourg Papyrus’s Tripartite Structure in Some Early Egyptian Eucharistic Prayers Walter D. Ray Abstract The one-time consensus that the Strasbourg Papyrus contains a complete Eucharistic prayer has been [...]

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