
Circa Gavin

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Finora Gavin ha creato 143 post nel blog.

Year XL – 2023/1 J.C. Martín-Iglesias


««« Back to Index En torno a la autoría de la Benedictio lucernae (CPL 1217a) atribuida a Isidoro de Sevilla, con una nueva edición y traducción de la obra, 61-100 José Carlos Martín-Iglesias [...]

Year XL – 2023/1 L. A. Donahue


««« Back to Index Presentation and Discussion of a Reformation-Era, Catholic, Vernacular Baptismal Rite in Germany in Manuscript Cgm 9509, 37-59 Luke A. Donahue is an alumnus of the University of Notre Dame [...]

Year XL – 2023/1 F. Dolbeau


««« Back to Index Une catechese postbaptismale sur Dominus uobiscum, 23-36 François Dolbeau, né en 1947 à Angers (France), directeur d’études honoraire à l’École Pratique des Hautes Études, et membre de l’Institut, à [...]

Year XL – 2023/1 Â. Cardita


««« Back to Index La réforme restituée (Deuxième partie), 5-22 Ângelo Cardita, STD (Théologie sacramentaire, Saint Anselme, Rome, 2006) est professeur titulaire de théologie sacramentaire, liturgie et études rituelles à la faculté de [...]

Year XL – 2023/2 M. Skeb


««« Back to Index I proemi nel commentario di Diodoro di Tarso ai Salmi: Liturgia ed ermeneutica dei Salmi. Introduzione e traduzione in italiano, 307-339 Matthias Skeb, Monaco benedettino dell’abbazia di Königsmünster (Meschede/ [...]

Year XL – 2023/2 Ch.M. O’Brien


««« Back to Index Eucharistic Prayers for Masses with Children, Another Look. Context, Text, Reception, and Evaluation, 279-305 Christopher M. O’Brien is a Ph.D. candidate at The Catholic University of America in Liturgical [...]

Year XL – 2023/2 E. Haslwanter


««« Back to Index Medicine of Immortality? Observations from a Catholic Perspective during the Covid-19-Pandemic, 249-278 Elias Haslwanter is university assistant (praedoc) at the Faculty of Catholic Theology at the University of Vienna. [...]

Year XL – 2023/2 V. Ciarocchi


««« Back to Index Fondamento teologico della musica liturgica: il contributo di Joseph Ratzinger, 225-247 Valerio Ciarocchi, Ph.D, docente invitato di Musicologia Liturgica, Teologia Estetica e Catechetica presso l’Istituto Teologico “San Tommaso d’Aquino” [...]

Year XL – 2023/1 Abstract F. Dolbeau


Une catechese postbaptismale sur Dominus uobiscum François Dolbeau Abstract First edition of a latin catechesis, delivered to newly baptized. The preacher intended to comment the dialogue by which the canon of the [...]

Year XL – 2023/1 Abstract J.C. Martín-Iglesias


En torno a la autoría de la Benedictio lucernae (CPL 1217a) atribuida a Isidoro de Sevilla, con una nueva edición y traducción de la obra José Carlos Martín-Iglesias Abstract The Benedictio lucernae [...]

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