
Year XXXVI – 2019/2 Abstract D. Jurczak


La Liturgia forma alla Liturgia. Alcune riflessioni sulla formazione liturgica postconciliare Dominik Jurczak Abstract The present article is focused on liturgical formation in the light of the fifty-five years since the promulgation [...]

Year XXXVI – 2019/2 Abstract P. Di Luccio


Liberaci dal male: il significato alla luce della letteratura biblica e intertestamentaria Pino Di Luccio Sommario In questo articolo propongo di ricercare il senso della richiesta di liberazione dal male del Padre [...]

Year XXXVI – 2019/2 Abstract E.B. Cabrera


Las Vigilias Dominicales de Cuaresma y Pascua en la Anástasis Parte I Enrique Bermejo Cabrera Abstract En este artículo se presenta un ejemplo de reforma o renovación litúrgica llevada a cabo en [...]

Year XXXVI – 2019/2 Abstract P.F. Bradshaw


The Earliest Eucharist: Saturday or Sunday? Paul F. Bradshaw Abstract Partially in response to an article by Henk Jan de Jonge, the evidence for the day of the week when the earliest [...]

Year XXX – 2013/2 Abstract M. Di Benedetto


NOTE Il giubileo di Sacrosanctum Concilium per una stagione feconda della scienza liturgica. Testimonianza e prospettive di ricerca Marco Di Benedetto Abstract Fifty years after the promulgation of Sacrosanctum Concilium a new [...]

Year XXX – 2013/2 Abstract M. Metzger


NOTE L’apport liturgique des célébrations dominicales de la Parole Marcel Metzger Abstract The drawing-up of the rituals for the Sunday celebrations of the Word stimulates liturgical creativity, provoking the composition of blessings, praises [...]

Year XXX – 2013/2 Abstract A.P. Yao


La vraie nature des prières dites apologétiques de l’Ordo Missae Alain Pierre Yao Abstract The liturgical movement initiated after Dom Lambert Beaudouin’s talk at the catholic apostolate congress of Malines in 1909 [...]

Year XXX – 2013/2 Abstract N. Valli


La Veglia Pasquale nella liturgia ambrosiana (I): I riti lucernali Norberto Valli Abstract The contribution, first in a series illustrating in detail, in their historical development and their theological significance, the various [...]

Year XXX – 2013/2 Abstract J.P. Rubio Sadia


El proceso de introducción del rito romano en Navarra. Nuevas aportaciones desde las fuentes litúrgicas Juan Pablo Rubio Sadia Abstract The process of implementation of the Roman rite in Navarra in the [...]

Year XXX – 2013/2 Abstract K.W. Irwin


The Theological Keys of Sacrosanctum concilium. Reflections and Proposals Kevin W. Irwin Abstract The article is divided into five parts and a conclusion. The first three parts include an Introduction about introducing [...]

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