
Year XXX – 2013/2 Abstract W.D. Gregory


On the 50th Anniversary of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy Wilton D. Gregory Abstract The liturgical reforms of the Second Vatican Council were the fruit many years of pioneering both in [...]

Year XXX – 2013/2 Abstract J. Driscoll


Reviewing and Recovering Sacrosanctum concilium’s Theological Vision Jeremy Driscoll Abstract This study briefly indicates some of the key moments of the decadeslong liturgical movement that flowered in the promulgation of Sacrosanctum Concilium. [...]

Year XXX – 2013/2 Abstract I. Scicolone


Paolo VI: “interprete” della riforma liturgica Ildebrando Scicolone Abstract In recent years certain voices opposing the liturgical reform have often been heard, and apportion blame and responsibility to Pope Paul VI, to [...]

Year XXX – 2013/2 Abstract E. Mazza


La partecipazione attiva alla liturgia. Dalla Mediator Dei alla Sacrosanctum concilium Enrico Mazza Abstract Mediator Dei et hominum is a text absolutely theological, even if considers and debates the possibility of some [...]

Year XXX – 2013/2 Abstract P.A. Muroni


Ecclesia orans: 30 Years Service to Liturgical Science Pietro Angelo Muroni Abstract This article highlights the unique character of Ecclesia orans from the time of its origins in the heart of the [...]

Year XXXI – 2014/2 Abstract M. Felini


Contributo alla storia della genesi della Sacrosanctum concilium: gli interventi di Mons. Jenny e il suo influsso nel primo capitolo della Costituzione liturgica Marco Felini Abstract The issue represents a further step [...]

Year XXXI – 2014/2 Abstract T. Quartier


Praxis liturgischer Spiritualität. Methode und Theorie im Bereich der Klosterliturgie Thomas Quartier Abstract Monastic liturgy is attractive to many church goers in Western Europe who are not present in parish churches. Why [...]

Year XXXI – 2014/2 Abstract E. Massimi


Il contributo di dom Cipriano Vagaggini alla Commissione liturgica Preparatoria del Concilio Vaticano II (II parte) Elena Massimi Abstract The article, in continuity with the previous, explores the contribution of Dom Cipriano [...]

Year XXXI – 2014/2 Abstract J.M. Garcia Cordeiro


A ideia de sacramento na Primeira Escolástica José Manuel Garcia Cordeiro Abstract The theological testimony presented are limited to three authors of the French school, Ivo of Chartres, Hugo S. Victor and [...]

Year XXXI – 2014/2 Abstract N. Valli


La Veglia Pasquale nella liturgia ambrosiana (III). Dall’Annuncio della risurrezione ai riti conclusivi Norberto Valli Abstract This contribution follows two previous articles on the same theme—Easter Vigil in the Ambrosian liturgical tradition. [...]

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