
Year XXXI – 2014/2 Abstract E. Mazza


La conception “typologique” du sacrement: une définition d’Augustin à interpréter avec Chrysostome Enrico Mazza Abstract Augustine knows a definition of sacramentum (aliud uidetur aliud intelligitur) identical to Chrysostom’s definition of mysterion: «ἕτερα [...]

Year XXXI – 2014/1 Abstract E. Massimi


Il contributo di dom Cipriano Vagaggini alla Commissione liturgica Preparatoria del Concilio Vaticano II (I Parte) Elena Massimi Abstract The article, first of a sequence, has the objective to highlight the contribution [...]

Year XXXI – 2014/1 Abstract G. Midili


Il contesto “prossimo” della riforma liturgicaGiuseppe Midili AbstractThe study focuses on certain aspects in the context of the liturgical reform during the years of the Vatican Council and presents two groups from archival sources [...]

Year XXXI – 2014/1 Abstract Â. Cardita


Les “liturgies jeunes”, une question d’“inculturation”? Ângelo Cardita Abstract Inculturation has been thought and practiced mostly in the contextual conditions of modernity. Today, a new postmodern inculturation is in course under the [...]

Year XXXI – 2014/1 Abstract E. López-Tello García


Il memoriale pasquale come principio strutturante della distribuzione dei salmi nell’ufficio divino. Il contributo di Notker Füglister OSB Eduardo López-Tello García Abstract In his proposal for the weekly psalter, N. Füglister combines [...]

Year XXXI – 2014/1 Abstract W. Sumani


Easter Vespers with a Procession to the Baptismal Font: a Liturgical Practice Worth Retrieving? Wilfred Sumani Abstract This article continues the discussion on Easter baptismal Vespers that included a procession to the [...]

Year XXXI – 2014/1 Abstract N. Valli


La Veglia Pasquale nella liturgia ambrosiana (II). La catechesi veterotestamentaria Norberto Valli Abstract This second article on the Easter Vigil in the Ambrosian rite considers the six liturgical readings, that form the [...]

Year XXXII – 2015/2 Abstract G. Ramis Miquel


NOTE ¿Una oración de lucernario en el breviario hispano-mozárabe? Gabriel Ramis Miquel Abstract The B tradition of the divine office in the Hispano-Mozarabic rite envisages a Lucernarium at the start of the [...]

Year XXXII – 2015/2 Abstract D. Jurczak


Il concetto di concelebrazione nel XIII secolo. Lettura liturgica di Papa Innocenzo III e di Tommaso d’Aquino Dominik Jurczak Abstract This paper highlights the problem of concelebration in the thirteenth century, by [...]

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